Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Grand Tour (3/18/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Desire, oh how it calls without you!
Desire, in this strange land, the same heart 
Each beat another approach
toward the leaving.  

I had woke now without you, a hangover calling,
Europa and the world before me, oh
how to stumble to ones feet, 
Oh now to begin again.

For what was the night before?  It was, 
missing you as the couple by the bridge kissed,
It was another thick group who didn't matter,
A caring best under sodium lights to wander.

It was the wonder that the whole of dirt of
the entire world lay at/between the feet 
of you and me; an arc line now to saunter.

It was the realization that, for one more year,
We'd be deadlocked, hammers held at ready.
A steady mind needed to

So I meandered the twisted streets of Munich, climbed
ever higher on that hill overlooking a town
Which I knew you'd love,
Which I wish you'd been there,
to see.

Oh, how the cycles come to claim us, me
the same old boy of love and compassion
cept when he needs to flee,
cept when he begins to wonder; a flicker of a question
Doing more to ruin, than any old pretzel or 
bottle could ever do.

Its the same as loving you.  
Its the same as wandering onward,
besting this heart by which to flee.  

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