Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Love Her Enough to Leave Her (3/15/2020). -M.Weisgerber

"I can't"
"You should"

These voices racing through my mind,
Lodged deep upon the raceways,
Carved out along the byways,
Stuck somewhere, once loved elsewhere,

even in the very sky.

I will,

Words coming from far beyond a soul?

They are an awful feeling,
a glance out towards the leaving,
yet who really, honestly, do they help?

I will,
" cant"

A plea amongst the feeling,
A hope that we all are dreaming, and this just is

For why didn't we get lost amount the dance?
Not that between you and me, not
The one upon the mountain, or that upon the land

But that of the greater spring, that from where all power flows,
It came down the road, it jumped up upon the door,
I found it, love - its simple, warm, bold.

But even if I ink it in strong words,
I'm unsure if it will do well to remind,
Anywhere along my skin; an arm (my face),

"I wont,"
"You did,"

Now inside me these things, they live,
A bit of love, a flurry of hate,
A secret desire not to do it once again,
enough to break a soul.

"I wont,"
"You did,"

For the lines upon my arm, they grow,
The crease upon my brow, it shows,
The WorryHateFear
But what of a kind heart, what of that woman
lost amongst the dark?

This woman's heart went there too,
when eyes cast aside
It was the breaking of a very soul.

"I wont,"
"You did,"
"No, no, never - not again."

A cry inside the uber,
the one that had to take me away from you
A dot of brown, up their amongst the blue.

"I did."
"You wont."
Not for long, mayhap,
as least as high father feather falling upward,

Better now,
For now, and maybe another long while,
At least for a little while.

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