Monday, March 23, 2020

Life in the Time of Covid (3/23/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Life in the Time of Covid
When the heart continues to break, it is
a watching of the high bright mountain people,
the light upon those remembered eyes,
the fact that spring is coming,
without such love to seal it.

Sure love, last year I was a mess,
no sunshine in the sky
No warmth upon the bed,
that we continued to share.
Yes love, I didn't know how to
love again, but you hammered it out fast and deep.

Hard love, but we learned
to try again.  At least I did, caught here,
in this strange place, waiting patiently as
a storm that slowly passes, a
madness that quickly lashes, 40 strikes to the soft back
of my own skin, by which to best learn. 

So what is this high mountain pass,
where I wish to cast a body down?  What is,
this thicker love, infecting my veins,
draining the last drop of breath for the words I have to you.
It is a time for singing, a time of healing, love.
But all seems to fail in the time of Covid. 

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