Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Cause Was Blood Loss (3/14/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Here's what happens love, when the gun, the rope, the very sky gets too much,
A mind comprehends, a decade worth of friends
Begins to fade.

I'm tired, love, of listening to the summer day,
Explaining to the layman, journeyman, to anyone passing by
The same tunes: why these things should matter.

They turned the water poison, love,
Shifted all the crappy things we didn't enjoy anyways,
Into something more recessed; banal?

It wasn't supposed to be this way love,
Successes of our fathers should be carrying on
The writing on the wall seeming not
to call us.

You'll cry love, sure, and hate me for what I've done
Blah blah blah - same old feeling that's defined the last few months,
But you'd be weeping anyways, at least now we'll both have

A reason.

For I'm stuck inside a new place,
Where equality reins.
Night as long as day,
tripping up
my mind,
making the cliffside,
tall, restless,

So reset, love
call upon that higher power,
drift back to the same place where you still think yourself

I didn't know love, didn't seem to try until the end,
(Forgive me friend, I got there; it mattered)
Finally got to where is, what is

So go  now, throw on your sad songs, go continue all the
Crazy things that make my own trials seem

Like you've done so many times,
Tell yourself your lies,
Like you did from far away
Had to go get me out the way,

(something necessary at the time, I promise, its true)
Like my mind did from itself, love
The temptation of a pulse

(For its pounding away,)

The cause was,
the cause was

(Let it be still)
(Let it be real)
(let me be true)

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