Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pray with me; we'll need it (3/14/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Pray with me; we'll need it
For we both know what this is,
The day, the way, a time we each don;t need.

Debauchery tried and true
Swelling, aching - the starvation of a soul,
Of anything, anyone far away from the make of us. 

You act like its important, these things flying round our heads
I tried to explain, question that I can't come home again.
Its us, babe: its all the things we thought and always tried to be

I nursed the phone, I became addicted to the tune
the screen, the screams, the many molecules
turning, twisting, of a head that yet could be

I tried all the things I've never thought I've been
So strong now, with nothing much to gain
So tired, yet have to continue to push through the pain

I can't come home now, ever, yet, then, anyways: but what of you?

So you asked me to pray, I did not disappoint.
I fell upon my knees, and out came pop my heart,

I try to ask the same, but that organ is on the floor
You need it, it seems, to ask

A channel up to god, always
Pray when you see her.
I never prayed before our love.
Or after it was done.

For a heart is big enough, for us.
For that time that is kind enough, for us.  

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