Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Besides, being (3/10/2020). -M.Weisgerber

That girl, god I know that girl
Her, 19 and everything that the world is supposed to hold.

I’ll know her by the grease in her hair,
Her stupid smile that sucked me in,
And her insanely deep throat, as she laughed. 
Silk ‘kerchifs ready for loose, empty chins.

Her, her, damnit everything within her
She was my love, and is
A night so filled with stars, I can see my hand upon the backdrop
All five fingers glowing cheekily.

I hope I kissed her in that moment,
Kissed her, and told her that everything would be alright.
It was in its own way, and I set her on an incredible path

A sigh comes, along with the night
It’s a notion remembered, dislike of the bright
A lie forms, seeming easy and right
I, alone in the crowd. 

A simple sight.

Fear comes, along with the bright of day
Soft little hands that hold my embrace.
Tell me why love, and I’ll turn away
Tell me why, love, it happened this way

To a love that was strong, to a hope built on faith
A hole of mortar and love awaits,

Turn away, love, from the sound of my name

Take this chance, love, and we’ll run away
Or stay in this house, till the walls fall down. 

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