Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Promise Somehow Kept (3/18/2020). -M.Weisgerber

I once asked if you could make a promise 
not to leave, not to be the same distressed
always laughing lad we all can be
and have been dealing with the realization that,
that was a very selfish thing to ask.
It probably wasn't right in the long run.

So no I don't wish to keep sapping up what energy
you have and had to give
Never did,
Didn't want to cut or sting, with each word
I know that the bedrock of us all (it still calls)
That of God, but distance, life, dissertation sometimes slows

Oh how I hoped it would be worth the fight, 
but God calls us to help lift one another
Not drain or maim or ramble on.
My attempt was that to build,
Seeing you there, at your record player that last night
In which we had a type of fellowship.

You said then what you needed, I heard
Tried to lift then.  
You were bonked too.
So very tired, all of us.  

So yes, for you I can do a new promise,
To ever be here, to gab or commune.
Or stay at peace, or go away, or be that nifty neutral.  
Feel free to ask a prayer, or sobriety held,
Like yourself to listen.  
Clean now, for this, and many other days. 

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