Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Do Not Congregate on the Playground (3/24/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Before they lock you in, before
all the churches reach to you (oh lovlies),
we shown - we sparkled in that midnight sun, we
fell in love with movements, and meetups, and
all the little things we.

I am a magnet to your midlife flair, a
calling card, left in a tin handed to you, by
all the kinding ones who wish us well.
Soon they will open the doors, and
the sun will still be bright, the
dogs will still wag their tales the
children will still offer their hugs.

Its love, dear babe, and
no matter how hard we try to shut it in,
it still sneaks in through the beauty of the open window.
Will still find us, even as we wander.

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