Sunday, April 12, 2020

Yup (4/1/2020). -M.Weisgerber

No more.

"So that's it love?", I spoke unto the wind,
thinking of the kind words,
Guessing so was not a reply, not a needy thing
nothing I could hear out loud, only the simple
telling coming close; leaning.

Then the shaking, the shattering.  Soon to be,
tears amongst the snow.

Well, I wish the best for you she said unto the sky, out along the grass,
I guess it was for a journey, to go so far away from me
To unlove the hearts we held.

Just sand, more simple sand she spoke, dancing out along it.

She is at peace, my mind a wreckage held,
I wondering where the year doth went,
how the organs last.

So can I murder that word, take that hurt you gave to me; a letter
You know me, only looking for points, a picture on the wall,
Not trying to make sense of this,

Your scent is still here in my place of recovery,
a dolls feel, a hand held, ejaculation of (on?) the mind.

So I got high thus all the time, to hide the evidence, to convince if only me
 that I'm not really that way.  That I'm ok - that we can come back, so back from that
other place.  The place between the places we once did know.

Love, I wonder if you could have seen me on all those long car rides in the dark,

Just that one word, said in the way I love it,
in the way I'll always love her,
the days keep spinning by.

Call me and I'll come.  Cast me, and watch me...
Call me, cast me somewhere else, and I...

"So that's it?"  I asked up to the sky, and the nimbus yelled out to me it said,

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