Thursday, April 2, 2020

No (4/2/2020). -M.Weisgerber

No other love, not I, I surely
am uncertain, no, possibly, maybe, yes (with a dash of perspective)
certain that I have heard a voice, made a choice and
that you wont like it, no, certainly
not from I.

It stands.

For you hurt me, not only in the words, the distance,
the way you cut your heart for just a tiny sapling
growing curled feathers that nick and scar
small abrasions growing veins, lungs still screaming
again and again for names I knew not of.

I knew it in her driveway, gazing up at that green door,
the night was dark, my thoughts boozen, sure
but you already knew, didn't you?
Already felt the fear,
so without another word, a mighty click.

It was done.

I am not strong enough for hard words, cant
hold long enough to the hate.
But she taught me to say adieu, from me
to you, I suppose, so
in this tale I say it.


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