Monday, April 13, 2020

You Replaced Them All (on that I try not to pray, to dwell) (4/13/2020). -M.Weisgerber.

No, don't do it babe, dont
run, I knew the way you would and,
all the madness that I oh fuck its all just falling apart, held so dearly nearly why.

Again.  Its,
Peace you hold.  Tragedy bold.

No, I beg, put the blade and my heart a down,
it hurts, oh god it burns worse than the nights I ended up
on a floor, a, sometimes your a puking there (I never filled your bowl)

No.  Just.

My heart, it churns upon the back of a dinosaur, the
first frost of a hard december day and my brain a caving in.  Dont.  Stop.
There is love there, and believing, and though I don't know how
to give up the fight, and watch you pass to that other world (so bright), I...

I.  I.  I struggle dearly.  Its all madness, and blackness, and the
spinning tales once told.  I...
Will repeat them on high, to
anyone who will pray, listen.
Begging pretty please, I mitre to the sky.

And though we are dead out there, chilling to the world I, you..  you...

It's you.  You.  Its.  Yououoou...
(Somewhere along this dying brain.)
Sane.  In there.

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