Thursday, April 16, 2020

Another Way? (4/16/2020). -M.Weisgerber

These things, they happen to have an expiration,
like the pelvis shrinking down, itself curling into that cut of pain;
a shortness of breath, a tugging again and again at the flesh,
below the hands - those tools best used for hurting.  

Yet what do these trifles matter, compared to the heart?  
Oh, that organ it shifts, and pumps more than precious petals, or
rosewater scent out onto my lady's clavicle.  
Can it pause, shudder there along with my breath?

Anything to remind me of her, anything to hold
so close, so dear a tearstain on a letterhead that cant hold
all the passions I'm still left here grieving.  
The things that never were, and never

soon shall be, once more.  Again?

Keeping my room from being too clean, to neat, to trivial, for
oh the suffering, it is real, there will come a time for all to
bow before that hurt and hate and all the things that make our madness wellspring.
To let the water drip down through rafters, along, over, everything.  

The red cliff it watches, glances, glares down- thunderheads grown demon form there.
The hard dial, it clicks closer, so ever closer to the moment when, then
the bottom bag it bursts, the best made plans cinder, wood ash meltwater making lye, when we suddenly don't have a choice, no madness, quietude, either.  

To pray and pray and grovel, yet always knowing,
fighting against the urge, the edge, the gaping chasm pulling all light down, ever
that secret subtle knowing, that possibility, a turning, a leaping glee can follow,
For there is always another way: there is always...  there is always...

To make a choice then (softly, quickly) and then?  

And rest their, quietly, at least for another day.  

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