Monday, November 30, 2020

Other Name. -M.Weisgerber

She’s the only one whose potent
Ink on my page is caught, drawn in
Tones of teal on bars of silk;
Pausing nearby respiration or else
Taking time to break our nostrils wide.
She is my sweet automation,
Encyclopedia of misconduct open
To misconstrued answers, guts, and so many bugs!
Curved from knees to feet, hand to bleed
Sweetness in of my lips to part, not sharp, not
All the things I need or yet still wish to be.
A ships steel sunk to need –sleek, and deathly proud,
Curl her toes to the point tip, a rune to rub, a
Vein to poke or capture, or with such love to and
Then dance these nights away.
Forgive me, I peeked at the sight
Bare bottom exposed then to summer sun.
You don’t notice your care, you curse, your cars are
Filthy now, broken glass in chocolate melt
taking time swerving on busy streets.
This kindly place, all of stone,
Here, where we had written to exchange,
And then I to die in (of?) ecstasy, or perhaps
For another moment, another love,
Another name by which to fail its all only just the same. 
A timid pattern yet to break. 

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