Thursday, November 12, 2020

All Seasons (11/5/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Oh lover oh lover, look her at all the fall color!  It matches
you hair, the soft folds of that perfect dress look so
marvelous, alive as we turn and dance and as we revel
in so much simple candor!

Oh lover oh lover, when then can we thus be in love forever?
For winters first frost only adds to such astounding charm, the 
sun catches you just right on long lashes as you lean in for the long kiss, a
beau, a beauty, my lovely so!  (How I am smitten, I am slain!)

Oh lover oh lover, in your arms I find springs slipsilver luster, a
playful time for banter!  You are the bounce in my step, as we
stroll across the meadows, the park, all - a garden in your very eyes.
Your hands were made for holding, and in time you took mine...

Oh lady my lady, you are my land of eternal summer!  The
grace by which to sing about, the distant lightning in soft night 
skies rolling over, a hard clap, whispered rainfall washing out upon this 
opened soul, begging so for the love and wishes and moments made for two.

It is the fine wine of loving utterly, lost so in your draft 
a bit of gold for your loving, gentle hand
a nearing footstep on the dusty moor
the way I love you now, and (get ready for it! XD) yes, forevermore.  

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