Thursday, November 12, 2020

Leaf Rake (11/12/2020). -M.Weisgerber

First morning, of the rest of our lives!  Its
brisk out here, me tripping over everything in your garage, waking you up, along
with the dead passings, finding the tools, traipsing over ten years of your gentle planning, all
you the witty ways you placed those knickknacks, the clever things, making honest sense.

You unsure what silly I'm about to do, me piling light fluff in a pile before your dog jumps in
Laughing past the cold, working hard to beat the snow (thinking of planting grass seed in spring)
The first time over, the first moment to claim a heart, the first wonderful way I'll sneak 
up on you from behind not for fear, only for a goosing, then a hug, then more love (repeat all around).

The lawn isn't dead, just covered.  Your fears dissipate with cheek on cheek, a flush, another
rake pull and I am whole, another bag open and I have worth.  A house, a girl, her heart, this world.

I don't need to glance up to sense you gazing down, a high porch, a worry-wort, another night, the one
where she invited me inside!  Oh, a lucky guy, feeling great, feeling strong, another bag
out now to the curb cuz you know its funny how ten years of trouble can vanish in a hug, yes
I love you, yes I want that evenly yoked amazingness you casual mention after dark, yes

I want to keep these timeless treasures eternal (even as you 'harrumph', trying to figure me out!)
You didn't know what this means to me, allowed to clean, allowed to care, allowed
to go at my own pace, to run my hands through your hair, pull that lovely sideways grin in
close where kisses can occur, the joy of how I always enjoyed doing this as a kid, missing home.

(your dog rushes over!)

Soon I'll be in, soon too tea will be made and we will laugh and make cheer, there
is love there and it is right here and all the simple slow words make perfect sense. week I might start in on some decorations then in earnest!  XD
(like everything else, that is...if you'll let me!)  XD

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