Thursday, November 12, 2020

your cat is misssing (11/11/2020). -M.Weisgerber

then my heart stops, the worry rising too, oh God
where did I place our bags, the heat rising over the day, your
strange face being lovely so, so hot, so sticky sweet yes, yet
where can a lady hide: the house is only so big!

the dog is where she should be yes
my gato is passed out on the lawn yes
i realized real quick i'm surrounded by fems, you
are one of the braver ones yet this is signaling now of the end

did we check the house, canvas the yard??  I don't know
what to do, where to go, what to say, how now best to love you, the
day goes on, the beach it calls, oh god I lost my job, my life, my girl, a hope
...a wife?  (coulda, woulda, shoulda...but not this time it seems)

so much road to travel down, so many tears yet to cry, yet
honest to god I always think my life was meant to end there in the surf, the waves;
the Carolina sunset where all dreams must eventually go to rot.  
To die.

where did I put the car keys, is it my turn yet to drive?  the
day grows hot, our tempers quick the whole rest of the day written here
a sigul best to keep, all the treasures told, but I should have known it then
the moment I didn't think, it was over when your cat had snuck away.

Oh, she's here in the foyer - time the to really start the day!

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