Sunday, September 27, 2020

Almost Heaven (9/27/2020). -M.Weisgerber

I will show you love in this handful of dirt, 
I will take a hand, make a vow till change this land, I will
I will. I will.
Make it.  Right.  
Shake it.  Break it all.  

(Enough even,
to change a mind (?))

I entered in there, tearful, bright white satin still and laughter on the mend
head full of snow, crowds gathered close, lifting each other in
the ways it was always meant to be, me, we, a pocket full of hope.
Long hair drifting close, whispers past a nose falling down all over.

"Hello," I spoke to the wind, saw recognition almost in that face
slow in the coming, another howdy, another day then passing
There is no hurt in this place there is, only coming to go, there is
nothing here so she can't see the way I move, can't see there is no 

simply moving on.

I will show you love in a handful of sin, I
will show you the soft lower belly of a man.  I will
do my best to do it all over again, I can't make it, cant shake it
can make it right.  Now.

Can't remember the good times, can't see past the moons shine here, no
there are worms growing below this place, there are
things that move just below the sight, gravel giving way, there are
open pits so near to name.  No shame.  

Looking up to the hard light, shaking fists past the thick lines
Don't know what the taste of cocaine is or could be don't know
how your doing now, but in this place, its all of white, its
the subtle collapsing of a mind, it is.  

I will show you love in this handful of dirt, 
I will show them a world without the hurt.
I will break the very turn of the sky I am
Armageddon man, a heart of hurt.  A prayer just flying by.  

There is no shapeshifting past this place.  So,
I saw her face standing there, we knowing the deeper things, still
able to share a chuckle and a good tale and even though I love her now, always, we
are a lifting of hands out in the night, we are

the way foreheads smack together just right, we were
a flipping her over on the bed I was, everything she needed just right then, we
were everything that could take on this world and walk down that drive and I
then knew how to make it.  ...right  

We spoke for a long time, her not burdened by another man, she
always made then for the running, I with a knapsack full of catsup,
posies filling up the other hand, the dead brain giving way, flesh giving in
babe in this place we are all passed on, all rotting bone past gone.  

another vibe rocking on.  

I will show you love in this handful of sand, I will
show you the better part of a man.  I will, be those things that once you spoke
I will, I will
break it.  
Shake it.
Take it.


So she passed me then in cut suit laying thin, she
moved on because that heart knows so very little pain, lost then
no hurt here, no remembrance of the bad times, so
I don't exist to that heart floating on, burning still, shining on I

don't know what to do with guitar in hand, no tunes on radio playing
its all coming in as static, the slight noise claiming times.  I don't know
what her name should be, or why I recall her face, the place where we
fell then for a fast love.  Will stand here till the end of time.  

Lost now in this place of bright, this
time of coming

I will show you love in this mouthful of grins, 
I will take an ear, make a vow to change
how it is I will. I will.
Make it.  Shine bright.  Shake it all night.  Break into that heart all
as it was meant

to be.  

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