Monday, August 3, 2020

Seeing in the Darkness (8/1/2020)

Those little headlights, how they cut through the dark land merry form of rain
coming here, singing near, a punkish song to name, (to shame?  to claim?) 
I knew them in the coldness, shook the dampness from my wares, I
will seem them again in sadness, before heart gives forth despair.  

I hated when you traded it, I hated the names you called my face, my love
the yells ringing over my heart, the disease carried as we parted
I once washed that car and caressed its form; once you knew my ways.

So I fell in love there in that four door steed of steel, I
wish that simple car would have continued till the end, our hearts
falling into its simple mockery.  For it held you, claimed us both
drove on a hundred thousand martyred ways, one of which was to me from you.

For when you got a new one, everything it changed, I
fell inside, I twisted there, I even forgot my name.

I forgot the things that mattered, struggled with the flame, I
didn't know your weakness, I tried to shoulder all the blame.
I went so far away that nothing these days they felt, I
cried into another void - the one that comforts lightly, the

days that lack the sun.

But those days are now behind us, you turned so from the happy rays, I
felt a breaking coming, but with you I had fun, a cut; my love.  
With you I found simple subtlety of joy, with
your heart I did find love, with a simple calling I knew, I tried, I
did all that I could, I swear.

I didn't stop the breaking, I now have a steady hand, 
You turned your face towards sadness, an attempt to find
a better man.

So go away as much as you think you can, I
have immortalized you here with a higher powers yearning,
How I can; an attempt at 
a stanza rising.  

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