Saturday, August 8, 2020

Dearest Draven (reprise). 8/8/2020. -M.Weisgerber

Draven, dear lady, what else better can I say? I tried, I cried, I
begged everything of your time and your mother by which to come back to the days, the
ones that we used to cuss, to curse yet also to feel something more, something tall,

Yes, you grew up in this house full of punk, yes
the 80's have died and are gone, yes, I know that I really did but try babe, but
I know that soon enough we will die and you'll get to take over the brunt of this hurt, this shame, 

this pain.

You get to live between the words on this page, you get to punch to turn or to try then to burn, you
get your little curls stuck in a lock that seeks the edge of your mouth, the one I untied again
and again till I felt myself fall between filaments gathering round, those that catch quick.  Turn deep.

This blame that I'm feeling inside my frame, the cutting inside my brain, lady I
did the best that I could when I saw your strange eyes, stair up at the hope I had to hold, I
felt something break, something else grow oh-so-bold, I....I became stronger then.  

Babe, I wish I could hold the night sky and know the sweet supple attempts, the
hard way you pull me toward your heart, push away just the same at just the right time, we
men sometimes are bad like that, but I showed you strength, that I saw you through such pain,

Babe, call her back, scream your words up through a womb you still didn't, can't, won't know a 
lady that I once called my own, with whom I loved, doth did share a home, babe
cry the way I know you would, if you were given a chance at breath, a chance to try.

There is no cradle, there is no stretching shame or a catering of the pants, there
is no me coming up behind my love, to sup upon the try of our dearest romance, there
is nothing more I can do, so little more a gent can say its true, oh Draven, babe, lady

heart of my hearts that I make up here on the page, may it change
may it do more than stay the same.  
Break it now, somehow, before it 

breaks me.  

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