Monday, August 31, 2020

I’ll Know I’ve Made It, When I Get That Painting Home - Reprise (7/14/2020). -M.Weisgerber

There's a shiver going up now over my shoulder
When I hear the sun a blowing, when nears the rain and thunder blowing horn
Gunna take the time, break strides of this tender babe clutching hard
The thin lines between feet going deep,

Here comes the body strong, a healthy song thrumming
A hardened soul amongst the shattered tongues
Cuz your gunna blow me hard, gunna blow me down
Take me there, take me home, roll me over.

We share our dreaming, from time to time
We share our loving, this chunk of key-lime pie; 
sliced as a heart, again and again and again
same story, same end.

honey hold me tight just one more night and I swear
I’ll never love her like you – never love like this again, never
feel the night air coming close never
hold your covers up below my nose, not.

A lost a son I never had, not a father always mad (so sad)
Caught in the alchemist nightmare, the tubes and the fumes twitching
Lost in a back room, walls, shattered dreams not made for this purpose, not
falling apart in the cold stream down the road not,

someone you'd ever like to hold.  

There's a shiver, blowing over my shoulder
Prepping for the hard rain, on a thin frame
There's a comfort in the sadness, held.

There's a comfort in the drizzle falling down that we all can know,
A sadness I’ll always hold, a simple longing for
Her hatred, her simple fact of knowing such release.  

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