Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Written Quick - M.Weisgerber

I walked the world today, and did not know I sinned

I saw the world, the world replied, and yet, I know I did not sin.

This they yelled at me, scolded; they even begged

Yet still I skip along with frilly flip flops, and know better: they lie.

The preacher man looked down upon me, while I was on my knees

Because he had the men build his pulpit tall, that’s all.

I don’t know what is in it for him, but I know

Not lordship, only “good lord”. I know.

If no one around me said I sinned, then I would not

If I didn’t believe that I’m a wretched person, indeed I would not be.

Somehow, as I pen these words, I am free

And that is all I need.

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