Monday, June 21, 2010

February. - M.Weisgerber

---Sometimes I have a telling, story worth;
as always, it sings best by candlelight.---

February. - M.Weisgerber

Clearly, I saw two men nearing on horseback,
one, truly mounted, the other leading both mare
& fellow countryman through the shifting whiteness.
Such signs cannot greet many simple folk,
attendants stuck in the machine age
waiting for their shifts end with weary bones.

Puzzled, I only stood, disbelieving
that at once was there, now presently gone.
That pair, wandering out of a lost age
into a falling rice spectacle
unawares, made this spectator gape
listen to the horse snort fading at length.

The horror that followed, an item of legs
gelatinous forms that flowed as water does,
streamed forward. This creature, it too was led
by a man of simple height, unawares it seem'd
at the frightening steed that followed behind;
he only snatched at the haze before him.

Local petrol stations were not designed
to hold the horror I felt leaving my heart
out through my throat as a whisper.
Expecting the beast's 'lectric eye to turn,
spot my soul naked under the pump sign,
then eat eyes and marrow from my skull.

Like so much wind in the summer barely,
both gone, without so much as a hiss of teeth.
That, all I saw, and then nothing else more.
The star wheel spun, but let simple folk fall
through the spokes; had us endure another day
to enjoy the fruits of our labors only.

I'm sure I'll survive to see non-being,
but a man should not perspire so much
before the cock decides to greet fair dawn.
Question existence due to his boarders,
relationships with near reality
that wear so thin were edge joins the middle.

If you dare friend, to question: seek the fields
of the near east side if you doubt the tale.
The grass, you'll see, it still refuses to grow
where such a party sojourned, lost to time,
even as mid march nears, and the flowers bloom.

Burned, sizzled upon the dark gray matter;
I can only imagine what it did to the snow,
a haunted sigul that mine still digests.
...will you believe?

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