Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is What Happens When You Know Too Much - M.Weisgerber

I threw out a word and watched it spin outwards, downwards.
Didn't assume I'd regret it later.

The effect that comes from standing on shore and
being unable to control yourself or your destiny as the pressure nears.
Watching it wash over stones, toes, and loves ones.

An imaginary thread that comes from my tounge, and
connects all those around me.
If one should bleed, I will feel it in the back of my throat:
A grinding sensation.

When I was talking on the phone this morning, I
didnt even hear it ring:
I just sat talking for many minuets before I regained myself.
Then the sweating came, and the terror sunk into the sheets.

Eyelids then feeling the same.
Unable to yell or scream, lacking the knowledge to contain myself.
Oh how the heart breaks: it is a 1/16th inch thick hide wrapped, and
then that one word broke through.

Regret will come later, but for now, I'm just glad you survived.

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