Monday, August 31, 2020

I’ll Know I’ve Made It, When I Get That Painting Home - Reprise (7/14/2020). -M.Weisgerber

There's a shiver going up now over my shoulder
When I hear the sun a blowing, when nears the rain and thunder blowing horn
Gunna take the time, break strides of this tender babe clutching hard
The thin lines between feet going deep,

Here comes the body strong, a healthy song thrumming
A hardened soul amongst the shattered tongues
Cuz your gunna blow me hard, gunna blow me down
Take me there, take me home, roll me over.

We share our dreaming, from time to time
We share our loving, this chunk of key-lime pie; 
sliced as a heart, again and again and again
same story, same end.

honey hold me tight just one more night and I swear
I’ll never love her like you – never love like this again, never
feel the night air coming close never
hold your covers up below my nose, not.

A lost a son I never had, not a father always mad (so sad)
Caught in the alchemist nightmare, the tubes and the fumes twitching
Lost in a back room, walls, shattered dreams not made for this purpose, not
falling apart in the cold stream down the road not,

someone you'd ever like to hold.  

There's a shiver, blowing over my shoulder
Prepping for the hard rain, on a thin frame
There's a comfort in the sadness, held.

There's a comfort in the drizzle falling down that we all can know,
A sadness I’ll always hold, a simple longing for
Her hatred, her simple fact of knowing such release.  

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Dearest Draven (reprise). 8/8/2020. -M.Weisgerber

Draven, dear lady, what else better can I say? I tried, I cried, I
begged everything of your time and your mother by which to come back to the days, the
ones that we used to cuss, to curse yet also to feel something more, something tall,

Yes, you grew up in this house full of punk, yes
the 80's have died and are gone, yes, I know that I really did but try babe, but
I know that soon enough we will die and you'll get to take over the brunt of this hurt, this shame, 

this pain.

You get to live between the words on this page, you get to punch to turn or to try then to burn, you
get your little curls stuck in a lock that seeks the edge of your mouth, the one I untied again
and again till I felt myself fall between filaments gathering round, those that catch quick.  Turn deep.

This blame that I'm feeling inside my frame, the cutting inside my brain, lady I
did the best that I could when I saw your strange eyes, stair up at the hope I had to hold, I
felt something break, something else grow oh-so-bold, I....I became stronger then.  

Babe, I wish I could hold the night sky and know the sweet supple attempts, the
hard way you pull me toward your heart, push away just the same at just the right time, we
men sometimes are bad like that, but I showed you strength, that I saw you through such pain,

Babe, call her back, scream your words up through a womb you still didn't, can't, won't know a 
lady that I once called my own, with whom I loved, doth did share a home, babe
cry the way I know you would, if you were given a chance at breath, a chance to try.

There is no cradle, there is no stretching shame or a catering of the pants, there
is no me coming up behind my love, to sup upon the try of our dearest romance, there
is nothing more I can do, so little more a gent can say its true, oh Draven, babe, lady

heart of my hearts that I make up here on the page, may it change
may it do more than stay the same.  
Break it now, somehow, before it 

breaks me.  

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Thirst Trap (6/03/2020)

Sunday afternoons were our time to shine, at my old place,

at anywhere we could ever and want to be

watching the sun go down over the trees, you


falling so deeply in love with anyone other, I

feeling the same amazing presence, something more

that went up as all else seemed collapsing outward, onward.


I was slowly in many ways quickly beginning to realize,

that she really would not be there, in good times nor in bad

my corpse would rot, my eyes would fall


not just away from her, not just

glance in another direction, down and

my heart would plummet their too, so, no.


So why not run; why not beat her to the punch?  The opposite of love!

Didn't listen to the long (I'm hearing now)

Want to care, just want to sing along.


These lines would grow, the horror of my actions would spin,

fertile in their own dear right, spinning in the dead of night

(they are old, tried things wheeling, glancing over shoulders)


I realized she, we didn't know ourselves.  Needed,

to start with a different form of prayer, to

sing even within our sleep. 


We prayed then in our own way, wrote

so much spiritual poetry with bodies, and lives,

thus I doth made her leave.


Didn't mean to, never wanted, only needing

to understand, the pain, the many thoughts that 

come with wives, at night. 


So its me and the shame, me with another life,

Me and the blade, me by which to keep or toss away,

did a bad job the first time, a better upon the next,


I never prayed to God before I boarded that plane, never

asked for forgiveness, or tried finding another way.

So tired now, peaceful love,


Look out for those little headlights of yours, worrying darling, worrying

So many things in life to go so wrong

So often to set the only to a song.


I wrote much spiritual poetry, yes, now

to write to you.  To write of something more

between the phases of the moon. 


Of course I love you babe, a thousand times a thousand loves, these

letters son it never sets on my love, the drinks never they never

kept from the heart, the passion from caring.


Oh love, how I want to rip apart the sky.  How I wish

I love you I love you I don’t, couldn't do so anymore

Think I can(t?) say these words enough.


Just only wish this went both ways.

Thirsty, always...for something more. 

Hungry soon, morning soon, outside


the dark.  

Headlights soon.  Wake then and

soon to be ready.

Hey Other Love (8/3/2020)

It feels so wrong to put these words here, 
you beside the she, 
so, here it goes, 

Hey other love, I 
finally got down to those other long shores, the 
ones you waded upon long ago, floated there
followed them in time like you knew I always would,
called out to the open ocean with a song and a prayer
and a hope that all this would make sense somehow; could matter.

That the ink can't fall from the page, drain down the short table to
stain my shirt as it wound its way to way to the wooden floor.
Dribble off as I got lost in these tall mists, dreaming again - 
that the shore wouldn't go on and on or that in my clumsiness I
would fall or jump right in, same as then, same as always.

That shattered hearts really cant do much more than break
and break and break and break,
or fall in beside the rushing waves that call to claim them.

Though your dead now in oh so many awful, so terrible of ways
though your lip is a sneer along with a mind that makes a
snarl at all the thoughts spinning round from the broken days
alongside the though of him, of me, of my voice shaking, I still
wish to say these things still mattered.  I hear (heard?) you -
the days they didn't drift off outwards totally into oblivion.

You're a flashback along a reel on the one film being screened in town, sure
(nothing then to borrow, every inch only to hold, to listen, to follow somehow)
...but the land here is beautiful in a way that your soft feet would know,
once felt here, may (hopefully) do so again, as on my heart
carved out a space, then echoed out to a place where any who
looked or tried or even dared could find them.

No more adieus you fool - not from this simple man, or any others
Its not, shouldn't ever be though of as any form of....of...of...
Fuck your weakness, fuck your entitled sense of harassment, you'll
grow one day to see that other love takes on many forms...

Good luck.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Seeing in the Darkness (8/1/2020)

Those little headlights, how they cut through the dark land merry form of rain
coming here, singing near, a punkish song to name, (to shame?  to claim?) 
I knew them in the coldness, shook the dampness from my wares, I
will seem them again in sadness, before heart gives forth despair.  

I hated when you traded it, I hated the names you called my face, my love
the yells ringing over my heart, the disease carried as we parted
I once washed that car and caressed its form; once you knew my ways.

So I fell in love there in that four door steed of steel, I
wish that simple car would have continued till the end, our hearts
falling into its simple mockery.  For it held you, claimed us both
drove on a hundred thousand martyred ways, one of which was to me from you.

For when you got a new one, everything it changed, I
fell inside, I twisted there, I even forgot my name.

I forgot the things that mattered, struggled with the flame, I
didn't know your weakness, I tried to shoulder all the blame.
I went so far away that nothing these days they felt, I
cried into another void - the one that comforts lightly, the

days that lack the sun.

But those days are now behind us, you turned so from the happy rays, I
felt a breaking coming, but with you I had fun, a cut; my love.  
With you I found simple subtlety of joy, with
your heart I did find love, with a simple calling I knew, I tried, I
did all that I could, I swear.

I didn't stop the breaking, I now have a steady hand, 
You turned your face towards sadness, an attempt to find
a better man.

So go away as much as you think you can, I
have immortalized you here with a higher powers yearning,
How I can; an attempt at 
a stanza rising.