Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What is This (Day)? (5/20/2020) -M.Weisgerber

I awoke on a small cot, confused again upon the day.
Drinking - did that old devil once more take hold?
The thing that took my grandfather, a confusion of the brain.

No, something different now, a movement in the clouds
Dead then, sure, that old eventuality took hold
for figures hovered there, and kindly walked me quick along:

sometimes its madness that comes to claim us all.

They entered fast, took me away to a place all of white
They held her there, far at the edge of the corners of men,
gave me a gavel a totem and everything in between. 

"What of this one?"  they asked, pointing down.
She?  She is someone I loved!  said I before they hauled her up.
I could only but glance a sigh, they readied such sounds for those condemned to die.

"Did she scramble the brains, make everything thus too hard to live?"
No, she was great, in her own way.  If anything, it was I
I alone who broke - should have done a better job preparing 

for her coming at the midpoint of the way, the day - guys, shes so really truely great.

"You lie: we know this - her heart is closed, it is cold, ready for the execution necessary
here, you can see it for yourself."  Sure true there hung a crystal
it hovered there, a single piece of snow made before the descend.

I tried again to catch that bit of face, reach out, show
the same old love I ever tattooed on a deeper place than pain,
placed there in that inner skin, the heart of men - if to never be the same. 

Ah, no matter - all would soon and then be done. 

It couldn't be her, no, I knew those days of sweat!
The heat that baked, a landy Mar before the decend
twas me destined for the cot, the break!   ...yet still.

There had once been words of songs I hadn't quite heard, lyrics she sung out into the dark
True too, she tried to show me journals, again and again how they blurred;
to show me the albums that mattered to her most..

And there on their scribbled edges...had I felt there, cold?  A chill before the storm?

No, I thought to myself, anything but this - please no.
"Would you do it again, for a soul such as this?  Love a frame, give in to a name?"
and on that I had to laugh a foolish gaff!

Again?  Oh, buddy, I've spent oh so many a days, a
rotted twisted piece of shame - don't make me step up, you
wont like in what you would and then there see.

"You couldn't get through!  Fool, she never truly loved you,

there is hatred here, and fear..and now you have to choose!"
Oh buddy, let me show you the meaning then of love...

I did; took the gun and knee capped them all so deep, did further terrible things
but still left them all an inch to claw their way back from, in where they lay
sure, the dictatorship failed, the light caught wails, but then we both were free.

We ran - so much of me wanted to know the frame before the flee
was expected height, the tattoos all seeming to fit
but that heart - no, nothing I could ever have expected to see between the bleeds.

Run you there girl thus by the door, I did my best to matter once again
 put that crystal down if you really want to live, dont follow my confusion
Learn from me as once I learned from you; by the way - we really once had shown!

I still don't know if it was her, its true, or if the crystal bent of cracked or broke - she fled.
Yet in the end I was allowed to sing these words unto the sky, no matter how it looked
you got through.  you mattered.  you got out (am unsure to where now). be better.  be you.
This same lesson I hope to pass along into the blue - to cry out from me to you.

But it was still just a dream,
these are still words echoing out into bleakest silence; a scream. 
I woke then again on the same cot, different day:

a time a then for the repeat, to a different form of beat - adieu.  

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