Sunday, June 10, 2012

Shattering of the Blood-Stained Darts - M.Weisgerber

Sharpest Fracture -
Goodbye, dear constant soldier of the night
Headstrong; he who taught me how to fight.
What can we say, to him whose life betrayed
himself, daily - now frozen, never to grow old
Never again to laugh or cry.

You supped upon their finest poison,
drained that crystal chalice in a fell swoop,
stumbled to the nearest window
and awaited the coming of the dawn
with a new sense of urgency.

We are those left with boyhood memories,
of many good times through the woods
of endless futures never quite set.
We forged bonds of weight n stone,
gave meaning to all the insane wanderings in the dark.

We laughed... what is there left to say?
You led us first and foremost, and lead us again now,
apparently a marked man destined for an endless night.
Hope now, in your chilled embrace
fated for the fire.

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