Friday, October 23, 2020

The Flight (9/22/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Oh dubious fool, oh eloquent slinger of wit!  You faltered, you failed, you
twisted heartily in the wind, have fallen from that great height, simply should
could not plot the way to keep that life alive, burning, turning in the bay you see that flame see 
the ways that could not matter to the word, the world, a light, you worrywart - brat upon my mind.  

Be there!  Cold to hot, down to back, there is nothing more than those times, nothing
better than the way we uplift ourselves, no more fool than to drive the others round to
jungle fruit, mofongo coming in a ready pile, laughter between the branches and that
one soft hammock where I tickled her feet, and really then loved her there above the tile.

So here I sit, flounderer of shame, here I pine for that girl further south, that flame - here I fall, bottle
slipping further from the upper shelf, here I go down again, so far; the opposite of landing.
Down you witless twat, out you philonious fool bickering every night!  What do you know other
than hope, other than the one sheer assumption this wont work, still you love, on you tarry and yet 

With a heart falling apart, mind chirping daily (hands thus shaking warily) you know
she wont read these words, really then never did the loving, wont, cannot, shall never, no, thus
did she ever love you...
Wont ever...didn't

So why torture yourself as so?
The words don't matter, the day begins to fade, the dust
rots upon the bottom lip, yet here you sit and pine and cry and
try not to make it go all away.  

Pray for it then - you're going to need it...


I flew then, once in a hard car, praying for the white lines, stepping fast on gas at last, least
hoping it wasn't too I, we, too late for another night just get there, push through the pass a warning
Oh how I've failed, I've failed!  She, a noble mind rotting all the way down, I simple fool born to fall

embrace of my heart, the knowing that this is it, better to get there soon, better to push for
something greater than that we are creating, better, better be. Best. There is screaming still to come, yes,
yet for a little while I may chance these surfs, the skies, the fast sand sticking  upon the hair, the

Simple way she worries too.  
Oh porch moper, no ring upon the mantle, don't holler at yourself, just push, 

No bark upon the doorstep, no footsteps in the hall, just the tumbling out to basements that
whose floorboard now is carpeted (it has that wet funky stink in the fall), it makes
it easy for the elbows not to scrape, not hear me at my leaving, approaching

Oh, the look in her eye, the hope on her lips, this imagination running wild!
No mountains here to guide me, only the heat of this island dark, just get there, push pedal onward ho?
This jestered fate, I knowing I've failed again cuz I loose everything (eventually even my name)

Oh love, in this moment I am captured, and with these greens and peepers, the coqui
matching your widening eyes, matching that Carvey sort of smile, your bicep showing, your, your..
no matter what else is to come you cannot remove this smitten attempt I have for you!

The beach then appears!!  There are footsteps on the plan, a woman
on the sand is moving there is moonlight fast arising, a hilltop; there is for one bright moment, a
hint of hope, a tinkling then of windchimes, a hand, a man, I stand...I....we

mattered.  Yes!  We are going to make it, yes.  Indeed.  The son tomorrow hot
will rise on us and hope and the simple fact I love you.  Too.
...that thought alone enough to make it through the rest of days.  Soon.

So make it, pray it, soon babe you will see these words and know I
know I...that I... (get those blankets, have them fast enrapt us!)
Nothing else will matter, nothing soon to shake us!

I love you love you do, and under this full moon I'll love you more
each day better than the last, each moment coming a gift to see your face, no more shame no
more hurt there, no smattering, no doom, just the simple fact I love you

and made it down here today.
ahhhwaa-diue!!  ;)   

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