Friday, February 28, 2020

Trying, Being (2/28/2020). -M.Weisgerber..

Broken mind, trying to be fine
Broken lies...(but at least I'm now on time!)

Broken lines, once the day is done.
Broken home, with nowhere left to go.

Its true;
I fell across the room like you wanted me to
I say now, indubitably, inevitably, never quite the same.

Its the same as loving you, same as being tried, remaining as true
as that heartfelt squeezebox that pumps so ever on.

The promises, and the attempts:
They matter, have to matter dammit, and if you ever want your commitment,
I'd recommend doing so now.

Cuz it seems like your waiting for us, this day, to die I'm sure, I'm certain
Only ask for a simple hello, then the pausure.
Oh the endless longing.

The same as the turned pitches, in a tune.

Ah fuck, but to be your ghost then, just wandering round.
Tired, always so tired now.

Waiting for that one last sickness,
To take us to the outskirts of town.

Contrived? Surely, no,
Just a singsong of the mind, a
Slipshot sliding of the times

It is me still trying to show I care.
Me trying to keep it all together.
Me being anyone, with anything.
Anywhere then here.

Suddenly singing punk songs,
and hating all the rhythms.

Not the chords, the lyrics, the sweat, or genuine hellos, no
Just waiting on the time,
For this madness, or else the world
to end.

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