Thursday, February 27, 2020

Back to the East (were the heart lies) - 2/28/2020. -M.Weisgerber

Whatever may befall thee, it was preordained for everlasting.
From everlasting, sure, there, out
then on to something more.

And the now conscious stars have set aside this moment for happiness, for utter joy.
(If only to keep us from being bored)

But whatever may befall thee, know how it is.
See without belief. Cheer without relief.

It is said that I am to be nothing but a cumberer of the ground.
A sound falling steady.
A breaking at the ready.

Barbara knew that whether she was late or punctual or what had been said..

Yet If the progress of humanity is to be set aside, what need for man to use his puny powers?

It is refusal is dictated by decree which it is bound by which to obey.
Something else to say.

Perhaps an occupancy of that particular corner was set aside?

For who will say that the precise number of shuffles I have given?
What it means, anyways.

Looking at Life anatomically, which is as good a way as any, to say she was predestined
to be a Shoulder.
Be this way.
Be on time.
Just to

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