Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Summary of Exhaustion - M.Weisgerber

Honestly, most honored I stand,
glad to be part of troubled days; simple reverie -
- it reminds me how to wake, to sup on easy living:
the moments between clock hands.

What is it about a city that causes reprisal?
Could it be the courses of stone, or longing glances over sips of tea?
I bathe in such matters haughtily; dress accordingly.
Place blade in back to save others the trouble:

It is the steps necessary for wandering.

Dearest coffee held, greet me early today,
halfway between spilled milk & sugar packs;
set the tempo for my morn, unzip lips
- allow the soul to flow freely.

Take me to the highest Andes,
the sweatshop for churned beans produced,
allow me to follow your sailing ship to port,
then finally walk you to my home.

This is where you belong, and help prep me
for another day.

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