Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stealing Lennon - M.Weisgerber

I'm so tired__I haven't slept a wink,
Four days tired__ my mind is on the brink,
I tell you that I love you, but I need to just be me

no no no...

Holding on to dreams, just sit here, feeling so mean
You say, I'm falling apart; I say, I'm trying so hard...
I can't sleep, I'm going insane
Cant feel, life's just going down the drain
I'd give you everything everything I've got, for a piece of mind.
I'll tell ya anything I got, all that's on my mind.

I'm so tired__another day is gone
I'm so fried__nothing here to change my life
I told you that its over, that we just need to move on
 so so so...

You say, try me again; I say, I don't think I can,
I can't speak, still going insane!
Doing everything I can, but it's not enough
Waiting around, but still cracking up..
Hanging around, not feeling tough..

You say, I'm doing all wrong; I say, I gotta follow my heart
You tell me, there's got to be a way; I say, I'm GOING INSANE.

I'd give you everything I got to make it all fine...

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