Monday, January 23, 2023

A Time Then for Singing!

 Here there, tally there; oh on this day of sunshine rose o’ dreaming!

I woke with a thought, then ran quick to jot, this memory all now of a hope-es!


For today people are kind I saw the seashore run wild; leapt fast beside to

catch all the wet lighting!  I heard a loud smack & fell on my back, on


green grass best oh to roll in!  I wasn’t sure what to wear, or best then to say, all I

know is that spring soon in our land is coming!  For when


the sun today rode high, that there would be quick a time, for cheer-den

-merriment-a-frolicking! Yet neighbors agree when they giggle w/ me


soon all will be fields of posies & wandering along riversides (there is)?

Such shifts of the poles & flights of colorful birds back to north, I think


the gentle rain with snowshade may fall then this morn, yet tomorrow is

promises (great things yet to see & then to smell & tell)!  I witnessed a


tailor outside making poof-up jackets so wide; nothing can keep him from

happily a stitching!  For who needs the dew when I’m a


writing to you, of castles rising out of near seashores a sparkling? Candles O yes it’s

a day when we get now to chant a “happy somethingsomething” then sent


celebrations so wide & fair & true just for..just for..?!  Once more all can dance amongst all

the brighter days, with starshine ‘nuff for several more, I saw I cast


grins at doubt, snap fingers at clouds, I hear soft melodies from

all the near windows wandered beside (that of new artists a dreaming?!)  I heard


there are tales yet to be told, kitties scratching at posts; a streetside that soon 

might need sweeping!??    


So for this Birthday of yours, I’ve done my best not to bore, & hope im

-agination beside bright cheer now runs a-wild! 


But adieu for a while, I send this with a smile and all

the best wishes oh just then for you! 


Cheers n toodles, -Mark

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