Monday, January 23, 2023

A Time Then for Singing!

 Here there, tally there; oh on this day of sunshine rose o’ dreaming!

I woke with a thought, then ran quick to jot, this memory all now of a hope-es!


For today people are kind I saw the seashore run wild; leapt fast beside to

catch all the wet lighting!  I heard a loud smack & fell on my back, on


green grass best oh to roll in!  I wasn’t sure what to wear, or best then to say, all I

know is that spring soon in our land is coming!  For when


the sun today rode high, that there would be quick a time, for cheer-den

-merriment-a-frolicking! Yet neighbors agree when they giggle w/ me


soon all will be fields of posies & wandering along riversides (there is)?

Such shifts of the poles & flights of colorful birds back to north, I think


the gentle rain with snowshade may fall then this morn, yet tomorrow is

promises (great things yet to see & then to smell & tell)!  I witnessed a


tailor outside making poof-up jackets so wide; nothing can keep him from

happily a stitching!  For who needs the dew when I’m a


writing to you, of castles rising out of near seashores a sparkling? Candles O yes it’s

a day when we get now to chant a “happy somethingsomething” then sent


celebrations so wide & fair & true just for..just for..?!  Once more all can dance amongst all

the brighter days, with starshine ‘nuff for several more, I saw I cast


grins at doubt, snap fingers at clouds, I hear soft melodies from

all the near windows wandered beside (that of new artists a dreaming?!)  I heard


there are tales yet to be told, kitties scratching at posts; a streetside that soon 

might need sweeping!??    


So for this Birthday of yours, I’ve done my best not to bore, & hope im

-agination beside bright cheer now runs a-wild! 


But adieu for a while, I send this with a smile and all

the best wishes oh just then for you! 


Cheers n toodles, -Mark

Monday, January 16, 2023

Apollo, that Hawaiian Rise. -M.Weisgerber.

Dispel, make way!  The rays and waves and aspirations soon to rise,
A cauldron is out there bubbling, brimming
Clouds rising high, matching the crags & swoops coming up,
Rising all around.  Signatures, apt fingers -
Dissolving as soon as grace takes hold.

Hasn't even unveiled its full might yet - the color!!
Oh such gorgeous grotesque drippings, cascading down,
Each stroke dancing brighter, the firelight (torturous, almost!)  The joy..
Paintbrushes ready to capture, filaments 
ready to render. 

Yet who am I, alone on this easy trip?
Merry head felt high, guts placed out in a long line, and

Apollo, in His triumph arises,
pushes himself laughingly up, to the left,
then other side pushing such bars, such impulses aside.
Splitting the day apart with insistence.  I, merely to stoop
and cower, and render, and... and... and...

There is a crown now - pushing, giving birth to the brightness
the light, the hope now rising in a heart.
Even the waves, the edges of my sight they turned.

The mists above, so much swirling, ever circling.
(It takes my breath away..)