Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Crabby (11/20/2019). -M.Weisgerber

 The heat, the sun; hot to tarry ho!  Oh how the heart shivers for a world &
a girl as we two loved by the simple sea, now babe your frame rises up as 
a secret treasure known only between the we & us that's yet to be there is

a mallet on the table, a bib upon the chest - a loafing of the rest which is
commiserate w/ such highs; earrings?  There is a dew drop on your thigh,
a shaker maker of Bay of Olde beside each hand and nostril left to kiss, I

lift a pinky to remove a teardrop from a cheekside stained rouge delicate, 
seeking to set our passions dueling I, desire something you can take along
with your passing a gift to match your care, I need it (I want I want I want)!!

So she grumbles in hard dark, does not understand why or how I wander
when Fells moon lights a shining of the way, heading for the north part of 
the bay & her name & all our legs they feel so similar, wrapped so close.

Yet all I can think of is the man that came before, yea all I can do is
recall which it was is going yet to be; which street will lead you & me to 
we home now.  How many yellowed woods can lead out to azure sea?

I want to stretch out on these same sands that the brachyura roam, I want to
be eaten alive as their mandibles clatter closed (fine whiskers under chin)
use ever vertebrate bone to hold you, to know your moans, deep under

the same murky stars shining for thee; us.

I was here last year on the same loam as the same worries that fluttered near
I tiptoed carefully cuz sometimes shards of glass are buried there shallow
yet growing well now, feeling stronger with you & the days & the sights.

If you pry one tendril off my soul sure it's yours to keep, yet the hole fills
up so fast with filaments and fibers, gamely workmen reconnecting joints 
as the appendages gain traction along with a color blue: all else whispers!

Yet this same token exists to catch dust & souls, memories that move fast, 
quicker than her hand as she reached forth by which to accept (to smack),
oh how I (HATED) loved that simple starshine glitter in her eyes, dragged

her off the beach to dance out in the street between chickens fleeing bikes
her up to the edge of a soft bed where cliffside nears, a rush of hard waves
gobbling up shore & souls & worried memories fading fast, then CRASH!

So yea I have something small, the least of which to show I can care & if
you'll wear them once I'll know your mine, once is more than enough if 
when you come back to claim me (shame me, maim me both I swear)

I swear (sear?) I'll give you something else you simply cant lend back to me.

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