Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Feeling Blue (10/31/19). -M.Weisgerber

..this place, it screams of Halloween
An entire dusty landscape, waiting just to pry,
The lids to delve so deep.
What of a soul to take?
Like others I pined for cheap costumed thrills
A kiss upon the midnight streetside theatre
Or else such strange sights to fill me with temptation!
Fighting the slipping, forgetful lore, of the sliding passages
That tear upon the human heart.
Or this inner cry, of thirstless wanton desire.
I found it in such a place once, not
Knowing that I was then so utterly, truely alive.
The main drag full of whistling cold, the bleak
Of a crooked lampshade, beside that sidewalk
Up high, so high as to call me onward.
Its light did not show me many things,
I basking in the endless future, that was even then
Like the sun, the moon around waning, wasting
I did not know, babe, I simply did not know, but
We smiled as we danced round that flame,
did we not?
We made the most, and like the withering glow
Did hold each other so utterly, terribly close.
Crying, daring the dark to theaten how it could
Gave each other a spark, by which to set next year alight
A hope, dug too deep for fallow snow.
So let the eyes feast on this colored spectacle,
As the breeze stills.
As my pen slows, letting mind and heart pause so
As the day fades, as your name changed:
An important point worth remembering, worthy of saying

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