Monday, October 21, 2019

For Danny (8/6/2020). -M.Weisgerber

Those were different days
A cupboard held all the spices, the pieces we shared
Our lives, our love: each filament and fragment something more
Spinning round.

That well could not hold, or lie

I lie. I lied. 
Still, we here with our little cat
(who has taken the habbit of licking her legs clean,)
My love, my love, I call our name - our love
What means such subtle words, in hardening times?

So this, the week before you wed, you marry poorly well
Know that I still hold those days, the ways close

So I enter in

She of the long legs, I of the heart;
We knew each other well.
We shape, change each other,
On the Detroit nights a turning, burning well.

Those were different days.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Seen There, A Face (4/30/18)

I saw a face blossoming amongst the leaves: 
tepid buds, frolicking slowly, drifting away in earnest.
In their hope, my heart now resides - a sunshade settling,
A simple fight arising; a strong tide alongside the solid stone, seeming to fester.
Tasting the first light, or sampling the hard noise -
for all is strange, as the earth once more slides around a strange sun.

May the Third be With You (5/3/18) -M.Weisgerber

Heartbroken (but can still have fun)
Heartshatter (but doesn't mean forever 'on the run')
Bloodletter, once this day is done
For to be a, Trendsetter, in all the ways we wouldn't' believe,
our song; a invitation against the timing of the screed
This letter; a loving note to those in need

To Wake (5/9/18). -M.Weisgerber

To wake before the dawn breaks,
to see trouble brewing hard - to see time a looming large
like the dogs bark - harsh and raspy, as my nose
pushes up against the thick glass.  Hard.
as the time lasts, smears there
with no tear strike to warm upon a humbled cheek.
I'm weak.
It is in these many hours I write to you, oh sweet
Jezebel, finding fast how long a heart holds
how fast the day's snow, turns to gold
sand slipping fast between our hands,
then faster still past our toes, out with tide coming
To claim me, faster - faster still!
Always, forever flowing outward.
Its in these beautiful moments,
When the day begins, before the dawn breaks.
I lie quiet; hollow still.

The Tired Times of the Festival, Cherry Blossom (3/31/19). -M.Weisgerber

Oh, and how with just a simple memory, a subtle stirring of the hand, 
and I am shaken, am slain. 

Giving in to these passions of the heart; a beating, a subtle needing 
- a shudder within this cage of bone. 

And now, when this weather changes once again, I find myself a stuttering.
Still the same old name and foolhearted smile as always meant to be? 

Fighting against this cold they sometimes name Spring,
Again, my heart it bleeds,

trying against the waterwheel of joy, that once, so surly, you brought beside to me.

Oh, how we lied.

Oh, how in these words we cry.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sometimes (Sept '19) - M.Weisgerber..

Its hard sometimes, but my love, shes worth it
Knowing that we arn't alone, seeing these thin streets or mighty lanes crammed thick along with
So many voices, so many strong tales of overcoming;
What joy!It's hard sometimes, my love
But each day to tarry on feels worth it.