Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Gone to the Hair, Bear, Rabbit and Fox

Who am I, to sojourn inside?
This kindly place, all of stone,
Here, where we had written to exchange,
Me for the first time, her to judge.
Both ready for the gallow plunge.

In this place, we are guarded, 
duelists ready, cocked
hammers prepared to fly,
Enough time to laugh behind a smile,
While expecting to see London Ivy creeping,

threading tendrils around flailing hearts.
I stood, thereby wishing to sit afloor.
Watching her first, calculated movements
the steady clack of polished nail,
high upon the card, lips lightly pursed:
Slicing fingertips on loose parchment, giggling
Yet underscored with a haughty grin
Oh yes, those thirty white horses
All in a line and cooing.
Deftly ready to consume. 
Oh, she has partaken once before,
this ordering game.
Her poison a sitting, ready smile,
and today her sign is gin.

Ahh, dearest dank apothecary shop
Whose guts contain we two,
exchanging soft touches between drinks
We provide a front to guarded minds
Long glances over dark thoughts and lauded riddles,
I glanced up upon that first sip, 
Expecting delicate curves to form: fangs?
Instead finding small cuts to wary knees
Following traceries of silk ‘kerchifs up
aptly ready for loose, or nearly empty throats

Her eyes, a hazel circling dilated darkness
Teeth gnawed, some dulled,
At least five glowing brightly
spiked arrows: when will they call out?
Are they ready to gnaw my breast and hump?

Her choice being me, mine being spiked.
A booze, not of liquid exchanges
But neither of love or form held close.
Only enough to scent her smile.

Here, I am a ravine, carved in dank clay
Little rivulets of blood filling,
A sweat-stain worthy of rising,
There, she drinks long, and heartily
Of a soul ready to give and be receiven

I am hers, for now, 
A sound to be crunched beneath boot-heels
Fuzzy, slipping some on the quality of the wine.

Giving, now gone.

Follow us then, down.
Into the mud of my mind.
We will lie.