Monday, November 4, 2013

Sewn of Discord

I go to seize the day,
Wander, to saunter these whetted streets
For the sky has closed, clasped upon another eve.
But HARK, the bar light - it blinks, beckons, beckons.

And what is this?
A reproduction of the world, and other minuscule fates
Contained here on the stage, oh the lies, the shine
My mind, it shudders, shudders.

Down along the tables, thick
The long, the wood; the many tales at once beheld
Upon a surface, such as a man can make
Capture, capture it, still.

While I sit here, we all watch
A peddling girl called, a wolfhound hungry john’s smells,
Dancing round, all in green; the color of our language,
An image, this image held.

Can I capture that moment as mine?
Turn those vampire grins to something holy, holy
For this I drink; for this I seek release.
Lady, hold me, hold me.

To dull the quick mind to hold such souls
Tell me, folly, folly
I wake in the morn, another phantasm caught,
Her name was…Holly?  Molly?

Another canvas drawn, mounted.
Another brush is counted,
A hush befalls the silence:
The night it calls me, shouting.

Follow me then.
Follow me down to the swell of the mound,
Follow me now, the tell tale sound
That the gin makes.

I go today,
I go for another day
I go to coat the way,
