Thursday, July 14, 2011

Smoke on Twilight Air - M.Weisgerber

Snow again.
How odd, as the deep summer moon shown down
brightly upon my lids as I drift'd off,
slipping into the gentleness of dreams.
Followed by bright skies.

Daylight shines.
I cannot see the soft emerald carpet,
entranced only by expanding gossamer
which slowly sifts all memory to white.
Feet soon to follow.

Unknown lore.
The latch catches upon the gate, sharp cry
causing shadows to darken, then expand;
nearest lamp light brightening to receive.
Last breath upon the last day.

Dying love.
I follow the dark road through the night sky,
a million little pinpoints guide my way,
endless faces that smile on either side.
Hands to greet and hold.

The end comes.
Quickly, punctual and dressed to the nines.
It silhouetted in blues, and I am
a little boy with a big grin, all eyes.
Eager for the next